Should I Give My Hair A Break From My Extensions?

We hear this question all the time! So let’s get down to it… Should you? 

It is all up to you!

The extensions that we use do not damage your hair. They are attached safely without tension, pulling or breakage being caused. Saying that, you can leave them in for as long as you like. We have guests who have had extensions for 2+ years and their hair is healthier than ever. However, we also have guests that take a break from their extensions and here are a few reasons why…

I want to save them for (the Holidays, Spring, Summer, My Wedding)…

Extension hair on average lasts about 9 months. Buying new extension hair is costly and not something someone is always ready to invest in. Sometimes our guests will take a break to keep their extension hair healthy for special events or for a time they would rather wear it. 

I don’t have anything going on…

We hear this one a lot, especially with the current pandemic. Most people don’t have much going on and would prefer to take them out for a while. Similar reasons to the one above. 

I want to cut my hair and move down to one row…

This is no different than someone who has tons of hair and is sick of it and wants to cut it off. Having 2-3 rows of extensions is a lot of hair. It is amazing and we looooove it, but eventually some people want to cut it shorter and remove some wefts, which we are always down for. We have fun switching up your look using extensions in new ways. Remember...extensions are not just for long hair! We love our short hair extensions just as much. 

My hair is long enough now… 

That’s right! Some people wear extensions for 9 months and actually achieve their length goals. They are then comfortable removing the extensions and flaunting their natural hair. This is actually one of the most satisfying moments as a hairstylist. Extensions get such a bad rep for damaging hair, so we love proving that a myth! 

So, there you have it! It is all up to you what you would like to do. If you’re only considering taking a break because you think you should or you need to, then definitely don’t. If you love your long mermaid hair, wear it as long as you want! We promise your hair and scalp are safe.


B/BAUER Hair Lounge


Can I Go From Brunette Hair to Blonde Hair?


Can I Get Extensions With Fine Hair?